Angel Policy
At Stampers Anonymous, we want you to be able to use our products to create incredible items for your own personal use, but we do have a few restrictions to protect us and our art. Reproduction of any portion of our images, catalog or website is strictly prohibited. No Stampers Anonymous image may be mechanically reproduced or copied by any means including, but not limited to, photocopying, computer scanning and printing, using overhead or opaque projectors for enlarging or hand-copying images, or any other means for resale. Our stamps are NOT available in electronic form and not available as digital downloads.
• Each image must hand stamped and may not be reproduced using any means other than hand stamping.
• You may not photocopy, print, trace, scan, or mass produce any image.
• You may not copy or rent our products, they are for your personal use only.
• You may not use images for logos, trademarks or promotional materials.